28 Oct 2014
By Belle

New Fitbit devices are on the way: Quantified Self weekly links


New Fitbit devices

Fitbit Charge HR

Fitbit seems to be on the verge of launching new devices to replace the Force, which was recalled earlier this year. Promo materials for the Fitbit Charge and Charge HR have been leaked, revealing details about the two new devices, including heart rate monitoring in the Charge HR.

  • Bruvelo: smart, WiFi-connected coffee brew system
  • wifikettle: WiFi-connected kettle
  • Darma: seat cushion that monitors your posture
    Kickstarter, funded




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News and articles

Fitbit won’t work with HealthKit because it’s building an Apple Watch competitor

Fitbit Surge leaked media

Fitbit's new line-up will apparently include a "superwatch" called the Fitbit Surge.

Image credits: Engadget, Beautiful Pixels, The Verge

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